Revealing vocational truth
- To seek God and follow where His Spirit leads
- Underpin the value of people and personal relationships
- To support and serve, rather than control
- Professionalism that adds substantial value
- To be a credible platform and source of information
- Supporting God’s common purpose for all stakeholders:
to unite, focus and align
Call42 is a joint workplace initiative and platform that:
- Identifies and highlights new thinking patterns, paradigms and changing needs of those who serve in work environments
- Help to unite, focus, align and mobilize the growing Kingdom movement across workplaces in SA and impact the working society
- Support and serves current initiatives, organisations, companies, ministries, churches and individuals that align with Call42’s purpose
- Establishes, grows and stimulates a self-sustaining and lively network
- Use technology and create a relational platform that serves as a single liaising point
- Establishes and maintains a team of individuals that are called, passionate and competent to lead Call42

Call42 Founded - 2011
Call42 was birthed from a desire to see Jesus revealed in the workplace. In 2011 a group of passionate individuals constructed a National Survey to identify the obstacles Christians face in living out their calling at work. The findings revealed key issues that were plaguing believers in their day-to-day faith journey at work. It was clear that there was a big need for people to engage on the topic of God at work in a more meaningful way. Most believers still viewed their workplace and Christianity as two separate worlds. Even though teachings, materials and business groups were available, most did not know about them.
National Survey - 2012
As a group of young working professionals, Call42 realised that they were not adequately equipped to meet the needs of Christians in the workplace. This resulted in the survey becoming the main topic of discussion between church leaders, ministries and individuals. It was evident that South Africans needed a Kingdom-focussed movement and a liaising platform to unite different Christ-centred workplace ministries and churches in purpose and to equip Christians with Biblical perspectives for the workplace. Call42 took up this challenge and shifted to a new strategy to become a network platform for workplace ministry.
New Platform - 2013
Call42 formed a Steering Team to facilitate the process of ministries and churches with different visions to work together with a common purpose. A big focus was placed on developing communication platforms, media strategies, mobilising ministries and creating more training opportunities for them. One of the biggest blessings of this time was the opportunity for participants on the platform to get to know each other better which helped us to grow into a network.
Network Established - 2015
The interactions on the platform led to deepened relationships as we discovered uniqueness in calling and gifts within the body of Christ. A few individuals became Us. What started off as a platform has become a full-blown network where we worked together as partners with a common purpose and focussed agenda. Joint ventures took place, new ministries joined, and new places were reached. Since 2015 a Core-group of Ministries developed to take co-responsibility for the Agenda with the Steering Team becoming more of a Backoffice Support System for the Call42 Network.
As a network, we were not untouched by what was happening within the broader context of what God is busy doing in South Africa and the world. Together we experience that God is moving in new ways and that we are part of a bigger Kingdom movement.
Kingdom Sojourners - 2017 and beyond
The network became Kingdom sojourners. From 2017 onwards we as a network are still learning and practicing what it means to align ourselves with the Kingdom movements that we are called to partake in. As individuals, ministries and network we are learning to look beyond your own agenda, plans and actions and to align to God’s agenda, trusting His ways. Our agenda has become a journey of obedience with the focus to support one another and invite others to join us on this journey. View stakeholders in our network here.
Our Name and Identity
As per definition, the word “Call” refers to:
to communicate; a summon, invitation or request to come; to order into effect and establish;
and a supernatural experience of divine appointment to a vocation or service.
42 Anchors the initiative in a scriptural mandate found in Isaiah 42. Through revelation, this profound piece of scripture, together with many other scriptures, became the heartbeat and guide behind Call42.
Our Logo
The two colours of the logo (blue and orange) represent professional work environments. The orange represents the blood and atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ, and the blue His Spirit of living water. The two colours that flow together symbolise how walking with God and his Spirit coincides with a career path to represent true vocation.
The visual symbolism within the logo relates primarily to the use of horns (shofars). These were used to call on a nation such as Israel (in the Old Testament) and to mobilise specific actions. The shape of the horn also represents a career path. Applied to Call42, a call is being made to working people to bring about action that is in line with the mandate given in Isaiah 42.