Call42 is a highly professional programme developed by Christians in the marketplace for the marketplace. This is not a church thing. However it is enhancing a vision that the church had for a long long time. I fully endorse it. I believe that it will really build the capacity of Christians to live and work as fully devoted disciples in the marketplace.

What is significant about the Call42 project is that it is a way of finding out what is relevant, where to focus, what the hot spots are, a way of tuning in to real issues and a way of dealing with priorities in a fresh way.​

There is little doubt that your efforts have kicked of something that is of great spiritual significance, and that will have a massive impact upon the ministry of the Church and God's plan to transform our nation! Thank you for your obedience, your hard work, and the sacrifices you made to put together such wonderful process.

What excites me about this initiative is the fact that the visionaries behind it, is a bunch of professional youngsters. People with a zest for life and a passion for the Lord. People who understand that to work is to be called and to be called is to be obedient. I believe that this divine calling carried forward by the founders of Call42 will penetrate many hearts and minds and will result in a broad based business community who will serve those around them.

Call42 is ‘n inisiatief van gelowiges wat in hulle beroepe vir Christus leef en ander deel van hierdie netwerk wil maak. Ons gemeente is geseën deur hulle inisiatiewe, en hulle maak my as dominee se taak soveel ligter!

The Call42 survey could have great potential for Christians working in various fields to better understand what kind of obstacles hinder them from building God's kingdom in the place where they spend most of their time.

Call42 is bravely taking on an initiative that is long overdue and very close to our hearts as CCC. Not only working towards giving all Christians a kingdom perspective, but uniting students, business people and the church. Moving us from an “it’s THEIR (the church and missionaries) responsibility” mentality to a it’s OUR (every believer) responsibility”. We look forward to partnering with Call42 to see every Christian in South Africa shining the light of Christ as a lifestyle and using our talents to His glory.

Call42 is catalyst for the awakening of people in the workplace to their divine callings … I am excited to journey with this initiative, trusting that the Lord will let His Kingdom come through His people in their vocational capacities in this generation …”

Erwin MacManus said, "I think the role of leaders at this time in history is to be curators of human talent". They need to learn how to cultivate, how to identify, how to nurture, how to develop and unleash the God-given potential in every person? Call42 will help our churches leaders to do just that.